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Tag: nextgenerationeu
Elements retrieved: 85
- Section: Observation and Innovation / Business: rethinking
Going smart (with data): the Italian case - a systemic sneak preview of the future
Viewed 19898 times | Published on 2021-04-03 12:00:00 | words: 4020
The nine islands of continuous organizational learning #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #COVID19
Viewed 17233 times | Published on 2021-04-22 22:00:00 | words: 11202
Going smart: intermezzo on the future of compliance and regulation
Viewed 22059 times | Published on 2021-05-30 16:00:00 | words: 9896
Going smart: financial industry and our data-centric future turning systemic post-COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11119 times | Published on 2021-06-04 22:22:00 | words: 3342
Reinforcement learning and gamification within the #NextGenerationEU framework
Viewed 12242 times | Published on 2021-06-19 22:22:00 | words: 8218
Resources, timing, purpose: #NextGenerationEU - #RRF and three countries
Viewed 15816 times | Published on 2021-06-23 17:45:00 | words: 4707
Systemic details in a data-centric society - business from manufacturing to banking to citizens
Viewed 19013 times | Published on 2021-07-01 23:00:00 | words: 3795
Hedging the edge: gearing up for a new book covering data, privacy, technology
Viewed 10844 times | Published on 2021-07-19 21:40:00 | words: 1010
Spilling the tea and narratives - business, technology, politics converging
Viewed 13909 times | Published on 2022-02-20 08:30:00 | words: 3989
bitwashing, greenwashing, warwashing: the self-defeatism of seizing the day vs. embracing transformation
Viewed 10735 times | Published on 2022-03-27 23:15:00 | words: 5326
Rethinking the future of work while going through the three transitions in Europe #digital #green #NextGenerationEU #repowerEU #business #models
Viewed 10989 times | Published on 2022-07-24 12:00:00 | words: 4625
Experimentation and talent development #change #transformation #Italy #EU
Viewed 10124 times | Published on 2022-07-29 17:00:00 | words: 7499
change and harmonization vs. assimilation #nextgenerationeu #data #culture
Viewed 8603 times | Published on 2022-09-08 16:15:00 | words: 5331
data-centric human capital and policy sustainability: part 1- the context
Viewed 9560 times | Published on 2022-10-28 08:30:00 | words: 6680
data-centric human capital and policy sustainability: part 2- the process
Viewed 9251 times | Published on 2022-10-31 07:20:00 | words: 5621
Emergencies or emergence? Trends are a matter of choice #EU #Italy #industrial #policy
Viewed 15844 times | Published on 2023-04-26 17:45:00 | words: 7903
Enablers vs. extractors - shifting the airpods social model toward value generation
Viewed 14010 times | Published on 2023-09-08 23:55:00 | words: 7262
Of reforms and cultural / organizational change in politics and society #Italy #EU #business
Viewed 16412 times | Published on 2023-11-06 23:30:00 | words: 5108
Fortress Europe, strategic stockpiling, and coping with reality #sustainability #systemic #thinking #lifecycle #management
Viewed 16079 times | Published on 2023-11-23 13:00:00 | words: 4389
Business, policy, audiences in a data-centric society: the case of non-profit investments
Viewed 17438 times | Published on 2023-12-28 22:00:00 | words: 9851
Linking heuristics, AI, legacy, and... demographic trends - the case of Italy
Viewed 10490 times | Published on 2024-02-22 17:50:00 | words: 11458
transitions, transformations, lifecycles: shifting Weltanschauung and roles
Viewed 11569 times | Published on 2024-04-07 22:00:00 | words: 3402
Structures and impacts: contextualizing social engineering in practice
Viewed 5783 times | Published on 2024-06-09 23:15:00 | words: 3363- Section: Observation and Innovation / Society: EU-Italy-Turin
The puppeteer syndrome and extreme tinkering in Italy
Viewed 11166 times | Published on 2021-01-17 08:00:00 | words: 6364
Intelligent cut and trust toward a systemically sustainable NextGenerationEU in Italy
Viewed 13656 times | Published on 2021-02-05 21:30:00 | words: 4515
Amministrative 2021/00- introducing - politics in Italy in the era of #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
Viewed 11163 times | Published on 2021-05-27 10:45:00 | words: 4887
Systemic boundaries and the fifth freedom #Italy #EU #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
Viewed 22875 times | Published on 2021-07-10 23:00:00 | words: 4281
A different model of #Italy - using #NextGenerationEU, #COVID, #PNRR as #leverage
Viewed 18189 times | Published on 2021-08-17 07:30:00 | words: 3879
Actionable intelligence and competence centers within #PNRR #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10637 times | Published on 2021-08-29 22:55:00 | words: 3455
Elections, democracy, #NextGenerationEU, #PNRR and... local issues
Viewed 11255 times | Published on 2021-10-24 10:30:00 | words: 3527
Democracy, continuity, tribes during transformation times #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Italy
Viewed 10830 times | Published on 2021-11-01 16:50:00 | words: 5958
Rethinking the social contract in #COVID19 and #NextGenerationEU times - elections and choices
Viewed 10833 times | Published on 2021-11-20 13:35:00 | words: 2384
Moving ahead- the narrative of political change #Italy #France #EU #integration
Viewed 17981 times | Published on 2021-12-17 22:15:00 | words: 5666
The end of the beginning - a new book and thinking beyond #NextGenerationEU and #GDPR
Viewed 11281 times | Published on 2021-12-31 17:40:00 | words: 3476
Book writing notes on sustainability and its context
Viewed 11321 times | Published on 2022-01-05 22:45:00 | words: 4696
Taking sides: a couple of thousand of years of tribal bipartisanship- lessons from #Italy to the #European #Union
Viewed 13938 times | Published on 2022-01-24 07:35:00 | words: 5462
What's next - healing #Italy within the #European #Union #PNRR #NextGenerationEU #President
Viewed 13192 times | Published on 2022-01-30 08:05:00 | words: 4058
Thinking about #PNRR / #NextGenerationEU in #Italy - #riding vs. #making #waves
Viewed 14115 times | Published on 2022-02-07 07:00:00 | words: 3967
Whatever it takes- #navigating the treacherous waters of #politics in #PNRR and #NextGenerationEU times
Viewed 10891 times | Published on 2022-02-26 12:15:00 | words: 6992
#climate, #pandemics, #wars and #migrations: #2022 paving the way for a perfect storm decade
Viewed 10653 times | Published on 2022-02-27 10:45:00 | words: 1746
poltronificio vs. cathedral builders - #Turin and #Italy within the perfect storm
Viewed 21290 times | Published on 2022-04-10 18:20:00 | words: 2460
A #Monnet moment? Different times require different tools #NextGenerationEU #crises #war #energy #democracy
Viewed 20128 times | Published on 2022-04-17 15:20:00 | words: 4847
Let's be serious about European Union integration and its future #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16051 times | Published on 2022-05-24 21:20:00 | words: 3244
Planning a business, planning a society - #sharing #knowledge #infrastructure and #innovation #swarming #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10883 times | Published on 2022-06-05 12:40:00 | words: 6421
Going practical: contextualizing the #Quirinale #Treaty and sketching a way forward during a government crisis #Italy #France #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #SDG
Viewed 16307 times | Published on 2022-07-21 14:25:00 | words: 8137
politiche2022_01: Tre programmi ed un marziano a Roma #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 9820 times | Published on 2022-08-18 15:05:00 | words: 7769
politiche2022_02: Costruttori di cattedrali o imbonitori? #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 8139 times | Published on 2022-09-02 13:45:00 | words: 7015
Sustainability and elasticity - looking beyond the obvious #convergence #social #model #digital #green #transformation
Viewed 10835 times | Published on 2022-12-12 21:00:00 | words: 6158
Implementing the Quirinale Treaty at the NextGenerationEU times #PNRR
Viewed 9251 times | Published on 2023-01-10 19:10:00 | words: 5794
Developing a crisis into an innovation opportunity #Turin #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Stellantis
Viewed 8308 times | Published on 2023-02-28 17:20:00 | words: 4808
Digital transformation and expanding organizational frontiers - part B: application- few ideas #Turin #Italy #EU #innovation #data #centric
Viewed 5180 times | Published on 2023-06-02 17:40:00 | words: 8606
#sustainability after #COVID and beyond #NextGenerationEU: #compliance and fostering an #ecosystem - with notes and links on #Turin #Italy #EU
Viewed 6108 times | Published on 2023-06-29 22:00:00 | words: 9134
Market failure, State remedy, and citizenship in a data-centric society
Viewed 5174 times | Published on 2023-08-02 15:03:00 | words: 13119
Accelerating European Union rights integration: from directive- to regulation-based harmonization (with cameos since 1990s)
Viewed 17459 times | Published on 2023-08-24 15:53:00 | words: 9525
A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 4 of 4 - connecting the dots
Viewed 14743 times | Published on 2023-10-07 18:25:00 | words: 8068
Overcoming cognitive dissonance on the path to a real EU-wide industrial policy
Viewed 17561 times | Published on 2024-01-21 22:10:00 | words: 8653
Intermezzo: structural political change in Italy in the first European election with NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16331 times | Published on 2024-01-31 22:10:00 | words: 5258
EP2024Series_00 The tumbleweed of EU decision-making European Parliament elections
Viewed 11006 times | Published on 2024-03-17 14:00:00 | words: 4417
EP2024_001: Preamble - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 10320 times | Published on 2024-04-01 07:00:00 | words: 2117
EP2024_002: Preparing - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 9185 times | Published on 2024-04-19 07:00:00 | words: 2221
EP2024_003: Policy - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 10067 times | Published on 2024-05-01 07:00:00 | words: 3233
EP2024_004: Freedoms - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 4571 times | Published on 2024-05-16 07:00:00 | words: 2008
EP2024_006: Impacts - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 1449 times | Published on 2024-06-16 12:20:00 | words: 2560
EP2024_010: Preparing2 - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 2754 times | Published on 2024-08-11 23:00:00 | words: 2606
EP2024_012: Spitzenkandidaten - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 1205 times | Published on 2024-09-07 14:15:00 | words: 2458- Section: Observation and Innovation / Citizen Audit
Another step ahead/01 2021-02-19 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16192 times | Published on 2021-02-19 11:00:00 | words: 2473
A visual journey: from #NextGenerationEU to #PNRR (piano nazionale ripresa e resilienza) to #NextGenerationItalia - part 1
Viewed 15095 times | Published on 2021-04-25 22:30:00 | words: 1444
Another step ahead/02 2021-04-29 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 19616 times | Published on 2021-04-29 20:45:00 | words: 2650
Another step ahead/03 2021-05-11 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11363 times | Published on 2021-05-11 16:40:00 | words: 5136
Another step ahead/04 2021-05-23 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11501 times | Published on 2021-05-23 21:00:00 | words: 5109
A visual journey: from #NextGenerationEU to #PNRR (piano nazionale ripresa e resilienza) to #NextGenerationItalia - part 2
Viewed 8779 times | Published on 2021-06-09 20:00:00 | words: 1328
Another step ahead/05 2021-08-19 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 12417 times | Published on 2021-08-19 18:00:00 | words: 3766
Looking at #NextGenerationEU #RRF #PNRR through time
Viewed 8342 times | Published on 2021-10-10 16:40:00 | words: 2690
Crises and the Monnet Method: looking forward beyond interim adversities EU
Viewed 11552 times | Published on 2022-03-17 23:00:00 | words: 3254
The Phoenix town Turin PNRR NextGenerationEU transition
Viewed 10063 times | Published on 2022-03-20 19:15:00 | words: 4582
Year end and implement(ing) sustainable reforms in a tribal society #PNRR #NextGenerationEU #RRF
Viewed 8344 times | Published on 2022-12-31 20:00:00 | words: 3152
Reading pre- and post-COVID corporate narratives, the Italian case: a dataset in fieri
Viewed 4565 times | Published on 2023-07-26 14:30:00 | words: 1992- Section: Books / Ongoing
BookBlog20201223 It takes a (global) village - introducing the CitizenAudit book series
Viewed 10976 times | Published on 2020-12-23 15:00:00 | words: 2290
BookBlog20210712 Publishing outline and channels for the next 12 months: a tentative plan
Viewed 15357 times | Published on 2021-07-12 21:00:00 | words: 4648
BookBlog20240303 Converging data products, projects, and publications- a progress report
Viewed 9161 times | Published on 2024-03-03 22:30:00 | words: 3979- Section: Data democracy
For a forward-looking NextGenerationEU based on UN SDGs in Italy
Viewed 18675 times | Published on 2021-01-31 13:00:00 | words: 2153
End of a week of focus on #PNRR #NextGenerationEU and #transparency
Viewed 15582 times | Published on 2021-08-21 22:30:00 | words: 2405- Section: Organizational support
Organizational Support 09: shuffling and pruning- an organizational PDCA proposal
Viewed 15827 times | Published on 2024-01-09 13:45:00 | words: 17617
Organizational Support 10: strategy-oriented KPIs in a data-centric society
Viewed 13540 times | Published on 2024-02-15 17:50:00 | words: 11346
Organizational Support 11: business data-based storytelling - a concept and a COVID-inspired sample
Viewed 9885 times | Published on 2024-03-28 22:55:00 | words: 6644