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You are here: Home > Books blog > BookBlog20160616 Migrating books

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Published on 2016-06-16 | Updated on 2019-12-07 16:58:45 | words: 247

Online, there is no free meal- but plenty of temporarily not-so-expensive ones (if you don't consider the cost of your time).

Since the 1990s (e.g. on Geocities.com, where I was I think Paris/1974 or something like that), I did online what I used to do offline: before you run, walk.

Before you invest in a project on a new technology, find some way to test it at the lowest possible cost (again, on the Internet, this means often just spending your own time).

Over the last few months, I used as a repository for my information pages on my books a Drupal-based free hosting service, called "Drupalgardens".

As the new owner announced a phasing out from August 1 2016 of the free hosting service, as my aim was really to (re-)test Drupal after having some of my content-based websites using it in the late 2000s (up to designing a social network architecture and business model for a customer using Drupal for the free version, Sharepoint for the corporate one)... it is now the time to move.

So, my http://www.robertolofaro.com/books now is within my "knowledge portal".

Obviously, just in time for the summer (when usually I have some spare time to focus on my own knowledge-testing and expanding projects).

Therefore, see you online!